Syrian Army Defeat with it’s application to a people’s economic wars.

The scripture episode of 2Kings 6,thru to 23, posits The king of Syria was at war with Israel. He consulted his officers and chose a place to set up his camp. But Elisha sent word to the king of Israel, warning him not to go near that place, because the Syrians were waiting in ambush there.

Biblically when reading this scripture episode, we imagine what kind of war that could be between Israelites and Syrians? And the image that’s being painted to our imagination immediately takes shape from formless stuff. With Israelites being the main characters in the biblical narratives, the Syrians,who are minor character, then could be argued to be a symbolic representation of Israelites economic wars, that made them experience famine, drought and lack within their life experiences.

And this the image painted in 2Kings 4, where Elisha encounter a poor widow, who happen to be a wife to the group of prophets, whose husband had died on poverty leaving behind nothing for his family and now his the person he owned money having realized of prophet’s death, comes in to take his only two sons left behind captive, in compensation to his money. And the poor woman is witnessed running to Elisha for rescue. And it could be argued that the woman was justified in running to Elisha because their marriage had been used as a platform for projecting a people’s life excesses and limitations. With Elisha finally fixing there problem by empowering her to her endless creative flow,thus economic restoration.

Its after Elisha,has fixed the power woman fear, we witness a subsequent introduction of the rich woman of Shunem in the sake chapter, painting a reflection of a capitalist economy being the cause of the poor widow’s ordeal, And we read the king of Syria being at war with Israel, with our imagination taking a flight to the Northern Israel after their revolt in 1kings 12, under leadership of king Jeroboam. And despite Jeroboam having been given power by God himself as per the prophet’s word to him, he rebels against Israelites’ God, being worshipped at Jerusalem Temple.

And king Jeroboam institutes worship at Bethel, where he crossed over to the Syrian territory and imported their belief system to his kingdom. This bring the biblical prophecy of prophet Ezekiel 17, The parable of the Eagles and the Vine. And it’s believed that it’s this Syrian creative ideology, the Leviathan,dragon that made the Northern Tribe very rich,with Leviathan tracing it’s origin from Job 41.

The scripture posits that the king of Syria consulted his officers and chose a place to set up his camp. And this shows how the king of of Syria, The Leviathan,the dragon executes her war strategies, through consultations since he scheming is done behind the scenes,the realm of the dead,sheol but with their targets of attack being in the physical realm,where her agents reside. With consultations revolving around the best way / strategies of attacking those in physical realm,where her agents in the physical real take errands.

This form of consultations and team work between the dead realm and the physical realm is what could be witnessed in some of the images posted in our previous reflections, where scenes such as images of a young lady operating an office within some neighborhood,with the scene appearing as being at dusk, late in the evening,that also has got it’s practical application. The lady could be be seen receiving her visitors in her office one at a time before closing the door to ferry her visitors to some desired destination,that seem to be always the subject of their meeting,either in form of getting them a job, or any other necessary assistance.

The desired destination could be seen being some far away distance away from the people but looking swampy, and with huge population of urchins being the inhabitants of the place. And she could be seen dropping them there and drive back to her office in her huge brand new lorry. And the interesting thing is that these people being ferried once they get to the said destination, the interesting thing is that they cease being normal people but transform into urchins.

Such kind of consultations could be witnessed most cases taking a swipe even into dress,where some folk had a dream where God was prompting her in a dream to support some folk with some good amount of money,but with an adjacent scene of their master who operates in the world of the dead also appearing to her in a dream, a replica of the scripture episode of Revelation 12, the dragon and the wan,where her Master, the spirit of the dead denies her an opportunity of embracing the divine instructions relayed to her by warning her against supporting the said person who is their marked victim in their economic or Syrian wars,thus deferring her salvation.

The idea of the Syrian king choosing a place to set up his camp,could be relatively compared to raising an alter as a platform to launch their mission against Israel. This could be scripturally linked to the scripture episode of Zechariah 3, The prophet’s vision of the High priest, where Joshua is seen standing before the angel of the Lord with wearing filthy clothes. This was the scheme of the devil to bring accusations against God’s prophet where these filthy clothes to act as an altar to enable the law of attraction when it fed to his life creative manifestation. it thus facilitate creative frustrations, frustration. The symbolic filthy clothes could be witness in a people or victim’s life where they could be spiritually captured in mental images where the victim is ever carrying some ape like , monkey at their back like babies, or monkey walking under their beds only to disappear under the bed.

A replica of such images causing frustrations within a people’s life were also encountered in some image to our mastermind team where a couple was in their house when a monkey sneaked into their bedroom,only to disappear under their bed. The husband then asked a those who’re inside the house to get out except his wife before they could begin pelting the monkey with stones until it finally came out and ran outside the house to the wilderness,marking the end of the scenes.

Such kind of scenes do place obstruction Rocks within a couple’s life journey, where they might find themselves struggling with impotency and barrenness or infertility within their marriages, frustrations that in most cases leas many folks to become homosexuals, lesbians, etc. These kind of frustrations are just but samples of Amalikites,Moabites, Syrians,Canaanites,etc that keep terrorizing a people’s lives,whose remedies are never found through mere prayers but case for a prophetic ministry coupled with priestly ministries to enable such victims secure their own salvation.

It’s such kind of economic warfare that our mastermind team were task with to some company,as a prophetic ministry plugin,with our mastermind te leader graced with an image of carrying a bar of iron to the Finance director office, seeking to sell to h that iron bar,but every time he gets az his office,

Prior to the above metallic bat image, the team was graced with an image of their same said team lead, being in the same company premises, walking away from one of the toilets with very many pet dogs each tied with a rope with h holding a of them together with their ropes as he leads them out of the company premises. And it could be argued that it’s these spirit dogs that have been behind the company’s financial struggles,with our mastermind team now being coopted into the company’s financial recovery / restoration through a transaction plugin where the mastermind team are expected to sell to the company the said metallic iron bar their team leader seeking to sell to the financial director.

The symbolic spirit dogs are reminiscent in the gospel episodes where a Canaanite woman goes after Jesus to heal her daughter who was possessed with evil spirits with Jesus telling the woman that it wasn’t right to give food meant for children to dogs, a strategic exposition of the woman’s lifestyle to herself,and this encounter of the with Canaanite woman with exposing the woman’s worship style or life creative ideology,knowing very we that Canaanites were also very wealthy this inhabitants of the land were giants

And such spiritual warfare may be a daunting task to believers ,some of the biblical symbols compared to Mountains, dragon, Leviathan, Rock anted on a a people’s life journeys, thus the need for both Prophetic and priestly Ministries sought for victim’s salvation. And Elisha is witnessed within the subject scripture episode once surrounded by a mammoth of Syrian soldiers just pray that God deliver the Syrians soldiers to his own hands by striking them blind and that’s what God does.

Best wishes for a blessed inspired week.

God’s blessings Love, ( Maurice.)

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