King Jehu and Revolution.

The scripture episode of 2Kings 9, we read prophet Elisha, who was prophet Elijah’s follower,becomes the one who anoints Jehu a king to handle Queen Jezebel, who was a great threat to prophet Elijah despite Elijah’s being a mighty prophet who killed four hundred prophets of Baal, with Jehu’s a coming during the reign of king Joram, Ahab’s son who took over reign after death of his brother, bringing his brother reign to an end since he didn’t have a son to succeed him,prompting his brother Joram to take over the mantle of the reign.

And we realize that Joram’s brother lacked a son after God decreed a curse in Ahab’s house of not having a son after Queen Jezebel killed Naboth to pave way for her husband, King Ahab inherit Naboth’s land.

Prior to previous Kenya’s 2022 poll,our mastermind team were graced with an image of death that confronted former president if he could haven’t done what the angels or spirit of God prompted his leadership to do, and he was to be killed at his own home turf with a woman in black long dress code,with covered eyes,who had to flee into the thin air immediately without any of his multitude of security realizing having used her silencer gun that she drew from her dress, hitting the them president at close range, an assassination that could have plugged the nation into chaos and civil war.

Within the above scene, the symbolism woman in black dress code who was to slay former head of state was the dragon, the Leviathan,spirit of the world,while the symbolic death site, his home turf could be argued to mean that he was to die due to a generational curse, energy blockage. And we thank God that despite our relentless efforts to access him being in vain but the information got to his family and they humbled themselves and obeyed the divine instructions and fulfilled it but his bigger family,tribe greeted him with a knee jerk reaction thus were unable to see beyond their emotions.

When current regime took over reign, our mastermind team were graced with an image of a regime car having crushed,and before it caught fire, with all the passengers who were on board each one running helter skelter for their lives safety. And this what we see happening each running back to their former tagged competitors. / enemies.

Our countrymen are dealing with a generational curse or call it energy blockage, but their entitlement, hubris, vested interests and emotional breakage, seem to be denying them opportunity to effectively manage this revolutionary moment. But we thank God who knows the act of reconciliation, jinx breaking, that former family did with the then sitting president,could be what has morphed into unity witnessed in our G- Zees?

And with president climbing down and promising a conversation, G- Zees have opted for open audience with president on X spaces,which is the best option so far and this won’t just be a G- Zees conversation but national dialogue about our governance and other controversial issues our political class aren’t ready to discuss or disclose.

Our political class and the ruling elite seem not to believe yet that revolution is nigh and these young people if ignored likely to escalate their grievances to a further huge revolutionary movement that’s going to completely spell doom to our beloved nation destiny either negatively by shutting down completely our society especially should the government take a retrogressive approach of mating terror on them,that’s going to invigorate their revolt.

And now with the youth revolting to take power from their parents forcefully due to mismanagement of public resources,greed, cronyism,tribalism,wastage and entitlement, the danger we’re experiencing is that should tour young ones wrestle current regime out of power without effective management of the moment, chances are that they’re likely to take power, history would be buried under the carpet and they would form their government, say work smoothly for the next decade, then the buried past would resurrect and haunt them bringing them back to the similar challenges we’re currently juggling,but now with their inexperience and short knowledge of history, they might find it very difficult to turn the tide around.

We pointed this out during previous 2022 campaign period that without confronting our past as a people and allow it spoken with tears rolling on people’s cheeks the way we saw about Wagalla massacre, we’re not going fix this country as our youth say it and heal our land. We never conquered our emotions to enable us forgive those who wronged us,to empower ourselves for reconstruction but are wreathing in pain raging for vengeance.

This completely disarm us denying us the needed power to stear forward the process by blurring our vision for a new beginning that’s only attainable by embracing forgiveness and reconciliation. But we now witness our political class running back to their former fierce competitors seeking, new partnership politically as a way of reinventing themselves politically, seeking for only their political survival instead of focusing on the bigger picture,of reconciling the nation.

There was a divine reconciliatory strategy of reconciling the nation but politicians seem not ready to embrace, looking at it being a threat to their selfish political ambitions, and choose to trade their political interests against their folk’s interests.

When king Jehu was anointed, his first assignment as per God’s word was that he was to slay his boss, king Joram. And the scripture posits,” The Lord, the God of Israel, proclaims,” ” I anoint you king of my people Israel. You’re to kill your master, the king, that son of Ahab, so that I may punish Jezebel for murdering my prophets and my other servants.

All Ahab’s family and descendants are to die; I will get rid of every male in his family, young and old alike. I will treat his family as I did the families of king Jeroboam of Israel and king Baasha of Israel. Jezebel will not be hurried ; her body will eaten by dogs in the territory of Jezebel. ” After saying this, the young prophet left the room and fled.

History keep repeating itself while establishment authorities seem not to be learning from their history with daring signs acting as prophesy,such as witnessing a police officer loosing his hands in the name of ,terrorizing demonstrators. What does such signs of the time convey to the ruling elite, who se to immersed in hubris,entitlement and arrogance, unable to listen to the fry of their people?

Could it be that Jehu of our time has been secretly anointed by God’s prophet in secrecy before fleeing? These are some of the fundamental questions we should be asking ourselves and why the angels could be at our disposals with such information,that in most cases are meant to equip us as a people to act responsibly thus effectively managing these rapidly changing times?

Throughout all the biblical narratives of Gods people, Israel, we witness children in most cases fighting their parents’ wars, unfinished, family businesses,either for their mothers and fathers. And this why in African traditions, those who don’t have children normally looked down upon or despised by the society. We heard G- Zees coming out boldly and telling the government that they can’t dictate their parents and come here to dictate them as well,they can’t sell soul to their parents as fertilizer and still lecture th about good governance.

The biblical narrative symbolism of king Jehu smiting two kings of Israel and Judah before killing Jezebel could be argued to originate from the fact that Judah, a symbolism of the Southern tribe of Israel, throne or altar of God, the church, Jerusalem Temple,worship,having compromised saint Paul’s epistles to the Romans church,12, having conformed to worldly standards by embracing neoliberal practices acquired by king of the Northern tribe of Israel from Syria, that finally prompted prophet Amos to go preach against. While Northern tribe of Israel could be argued being a symbolism of state,which our Gen Zees are revolting against baying for her blood for exploitative economic policies acquired by her leadership to smit, imported from Syria, where Syria here connotes those those those kingdoms peddling this capitalist economic model. While at the extreme end, queen Jezebel,or Leviathan,dragon or flying serpent here could be argued to point to a capitalist economic ideologies / models. And king Jehu impacts a revolution here by killing the faulty economic idea together with all it’s enabler kings.

Best wishes for a blessed and inspired weekends.

God’s blessings and Love, ( Maurice. )

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