Israelites’ Acacia life experiences.

War between Israel and Moab.( 2Kings 3.)

Reading the bible,there emerges one fundamental factor,that Israel features as a constant factor around all scriptural narratives. And we read them fighting the Moabites,Ammonites, Jebushites,Syria,Tyre,etc.

This therefore mean that Israelites are the main character within Biblical scripture narratives,thus all stories built and revolves around these people, God’s people,while the other minor characters such Moabites,Ammonites, Jebushites,Syrians,etc are just but a reflection of a people’s life experiences in their pilgrimage to promised land / life destinies.

And we realize that it’s only a people of God who remain the constant driver within Biblical narratives while the other minor characters vary from time to time depending on a people’s spiritual formation / development.

We read that while Israelites were on their way to the promised land,they encountered giants and lions, Leviathan,that may be said to take form of the Syrian people,giants in form of Goliath of their time,or mountains that stood on their way to the promised,Lions in terms of desert tribes, Leviathan of their time as economic / wealth creation concepts of the day.

The scripture posits that while on their way to the promised land,they camped at Accacia. And while there, they got in love with Moabites women,through their food advances these women used to invite them for and this provoked God’s anger. But why?

It’s reported that Moab was known for its incest sin,where Lot’s daughters made him drunk,and had sexual intercourse with him thus bearing children for his daughters. This happened after God killed all men in that land for disobedience. And Lot’s daughters burning in thirst for men, were unable to contain their sexual urges asking themselves where they would get men for themselves and thus through their own imagination instead of consulting God in prayer, devised their own remedial measures to quench their passion for sex. This why Moab is also known as a land for the flesh,where flesh reigns in human decision making.

Israelites from time and again faltered in their walk to the promised land,when ever they failed to see Moses presence,encountered challenges that always manifested in various forms such as Moabites,Ammonites, Jebushites,Syria,Tyre, Philistines,etc when instead of turning their challenges to God,they complained and attracted God’s anger.

It could be argued that today’s modern marriages that are seriously under attack ,is a phenomenon of this said Israelites’ Acacia life experiences,where the attacks are the onslaughts of Moabites, who in one way or the other are ever burning for sexual passions. They this keep tricking modern families with their advances for food,and other charitable aid prior to capturing them into such illicit unions.

Such illicit sexual arrangements do find their way into marriage life equation whenever a couple finds themselves in a situation that within their life journey path, they encounter a ROCK on their way and instead of pausing to wait upon God’s Rhemor word in how to navigate through such drought / famine, that’s likely to manifest itself either in the form of a man or woman not able to produce a child due to impotency or barrenness,they immediately scheme to bypass the ROCK, or Mountain standing on their way by devising their own remedial strategies,the Moabites action of flesh man.

The said mountains,rocks,giants may as well oftenly manifest in various scenerios,where a couple realizes that they are not able to produce either a son or daughter according to their own desire,and either of the couple schemes craftily to elope with an outside partner in bed thus bearing their desired choice of child but never discloses it back to the other marriage partner. And these schemes do happen behind the fact that once two people of different sexes cohabit sexually,they do create a permanent spiritual bond.

And whenever such Moabite arrangements find themselves in marriage equations, the first victim to such do becomes the said couple bonding,where they lose that collective consciousness within their marriage equations and loneliness, coldness,etc creeps in and undoing such may demand great sacrifices,just same way we witness within scripture episode of 2kings 3, where Israelites waged war against the Moabites,and luckily enough, they happen to consult a prophet before waging wat and with divine intervention on their side,the great sacrifice is offered by the Moabite king Mesha had to offer his elder son who was to inherit his kingdom in exchange of saving his life from the Israelites.

In cases where such Moabite ideological creative narratives occur and no God’s prophet consulted in undoing them,or fighting the Moabites blindly, such expensive sacrifices of blood happen to find their way within Israelites camps, family or marriage equation set ups.

This do occur due to the union / bond that was already created with Moabites always meant to fight back just same way we read from 2kings 3.26 & 27, where we witness the king of Moab having realized that he was losing the battle, he took 700 swordsmen with him and tried to force his war through the enemy lines and escape to the king of Syria,but he failed. And it could be argued that he couldn’t just take such a dating war strategy against his enemy but could be privy to some war strategies of that nature but now his failure taking place simply because God was already with Israelites strategic plan and he couldn’t prevail against them.

Such Moabite arrangements in a marriage institutions could be said to sabotage God’s will in such institutions by trying to help God while forgetting that in every marriage,couples are both called for in a special way to minister to their partners ,who are always called with their weaknesses and life bugages towards acquiring Christ likeness.

This why I keep pausing a question if marriages are made in heaven or by the sacraments? Biblically, it’s said that each person has got each special rib that was meant for them and should one misses his / her rightful one,then they might not likely find fulfilment in such institutions.and this could be why God crafted his salvation strategy through incarnation,where a virgin lady, Mary is conceiving without knowing any man. This could be argued to correct the said Moabite ideology by aligning humanity to God’s word in order to enable salvic plan of God to fruition.

Best wishes for an inspired moment of reading.

God’s blessings and Love. ( Maurice.)

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